Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Started Decorating!

Well, I finished painting the trim on the house, and got my new bushes and mulch in so its time for the Christmas lights to go up! I did get the bushes wrapped, the snowmen in that line the walkway and my front door and porch area are almost done. Eddie and/or my brother will put the lights up around the house eve's sometime this weekend I hope and then I will put out my blow up's, Rudolf and my snowman and snowoman.
It was really hard to start decorating because again it was 81 with another heat index of 91*. Crazy!
My neighbor across the street was out there in the dark trying to finish up his lights. He's made this huge Christmas tree in his front yard. It's gonna look pretty neat when it's done and turned on. We were all trying to finish by tomorrow night so we could have a little light turn on ceremony!
And right now as I write this the wind and rain are coming through, a cold front. So at least tomorrow on Thanksgiving it will actually feel like Thanksgiving should. For the next few days the temps will be in the upper 50's, lower 60's and at night in the upper 30's, lower 40's. Then back up to 70 next Wednesday. Finally, we can stop wearing our Summer clothes for a bit!
Tonight I am baking. I made 2 batches of my Grandma's special recipe, Honey Cakes. Although I don't know why they are called Honey Cakes because there is NO honey in them, LOL!
I think they came out pretty good but they need to cool and set overnight. Then I made up my Potato Casserole. (If anyone wants the recipe let me know and I'll post it!) I let it set overnight then add the topping in the morning before I bake it. It is my favorite holiday dish to cook. Everyone loves it and begs me to bring more each year. This year I only have to make 2. I made one for Eddie's Thanksgiving feast at work today and then one for my parents house tomorrow. Eddie's parents went to Texas to visit with his Mother's parents. Her father is in the hospital since late October after being in a car wreck. He has 2 ruptured disks, I think they said that are pinching some nerves and he cannot feel his left side to write or walk, which sucks because like my Chase he is left handed! He is 90 yrs. old and they are afraid to put him under anesthesia to operate b/c the last time he almost didn't make it. So I think for right now they are doing physical therapy which is really hard on him, poor thing.
Okay, off to go bathe the little one and get ready for bed so we won't be too tired tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!


One of the Bunch said...

Would you Pleeeease post your Potato Casserole recipe? I'd love to try it.

And maybe the "Honey Cakes" came from "Honey, the Cakes are done!!" as the wife yelled to her honey. Just a thought! LOL